Contact Ivy Scarborough
A must-read book that cannot be ignored by anyone wishing to understand the future of our world.
— Dr. Kevin Cooney,
Professor of Political Science,
Director of Pacific Rim Center, Northwest University
This is arguably the most profound thesis concerning Christianity and Western civilization to be penned since A.D. 413 when Augustine wrote The City of God.
— Dr. James Wilson, Belfast, Irish historian,
Director, Centre for British Studies, Coleraine, UK
Ivy Scarborough’s insights rise like the sun on the fog of our culture’s self-deception and delusions and burn them away. I kept thinking as I read, this is the book I wish I had written.
— Randall Bush, D.Phil. (University of Oxford),
Th.D. (Southwestern Theological Seminary),
Professor of Philosophy, Union University
Into the Night is disturbing, precise, and both condemning and filled with ways of climbing out of the pit we have dug for ourselves.
— Dr. John Adams, retired Vice President,
Union University
This is powerful stuff. Masterful! Chapters could well stand on their own as essays or pamphlets. Really powerful!
— John Perry, author of Unshakable Faith
and Sgt. York: His Life, Legend & Legacy

— Dr. Kevin Cooney,
Professor of Political Science,
Director of Pacific Rim Center, Northwest University
This is arguably the most profound thesis concerning Christianity and Western civilization to be penned since A.D. 413 when Augustine wrote The City of God.
— Dr. James Wilson, Belfast, Irish historian,
Director, Centre for British Studies, Coleraine, UK
Ivy Scarborough’s insights rise like the sun on the fog of our culture’s self-deception and delusions and burn them away. I kept thinking as I read, this is the book I wish I had written.
— Randall Bush, D.Phil. (University of Oxford),
Th.D. (Southwestern Theological Seminary),
Professor of Philosophy, Union University
Into the Night is disturbing, precise, and both condemning and filled with ways of climbing out of the pit we have dug for ourselves.
— Dr. John Adams, retired Vice President,
Union University
This is powerful stuff. Masterful! Chapters could well stand on their own as essays or pamphlets. Really powerful!
— John Perry, author of Unshakable Faith
and Sgt. York: His Life, Legend & Legacy